Educational Institutions

The units that find application in Hotels include attendance and access management, visitor management, CCTV surveillance, fire alarm, PA system, canteen management.

Schools, Colleges and Universities are places where the future of a country or society is reliant on. The opportunity to exchange ideas and learning should never be compromised by issues of safety and security. Security is becoming a major concern for students, parents or teachers due to escalating incidents like assaults on teachers, theft in exam halls, sexual assaults of female students, fire tragedies and cases of ragging in the educational premises.

Many establishments have taken a step ahead by installing sophisticated security systems that can safeguard its people and premises to maintain dynamic learning campus. Matrix COSEC solution is a range of intelligently designed products to meet all critical requirements of the education industry. It helps education institutions meet their demand of sending SMS/Email notification to parents, monthly attendance of students and staff, restricted access to labs, cafeteria management and video surveillance. Thus, Matrix provides a unique solution to the educational institutes, allowing students and staff to focus on gaining knowledge.